Thursday, August 5, 2010

Love these guys...

Meet my awesome sister in law (and best friend) and her adorable family! I love these guys! Our whole month of July was full of adventures with the Longneckers. From swimming, to shopping (with all seven kids), to girls night(s) out, to McDonalds, Costa Vida, and slumber parties at Grandma's! They drove all the way from Alabama and stayed for a month, we loved every minute of it! We said goodbye to them last night and my son cried himself to sleep. We miss you guys already!


The Longnecker Zoo August 5, 2010 at 6:15 PM  

oh my gosh...LOVE them Tammy. Dang I wish we lived closer so you could do our pictures! You did a great job as always.

longnecker August 8, 2010 at 7:37 PM  

I love them and I love you - I am missing you more than you could know. Tonight Trey kept calling his friend down the street Davis and it kept breaking my heart! Thanks again for all these.

klonghall August 16, 2010 at 11:25 AM  

I adore these pix! You just capture how fun they are in the pictures. Seriously, come down south and take more Longnecker pictures!!!

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